Sunday, February 3, 2008

Finding God at Krispy Kreme.

Tonight my dear friend Michal and I went out on the town. We ended up at Krispy Kreme (hot and now sign called our name...), and as we were sitting at the table discussing who knows what when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a man holding the most beautiful little girl.

As most of you know, I am rarely shy, especially when it comes to beginning a conversation with strangers. Guess I never learned that whole "Don't talk to strangers" thing... I commented on how beautiful the little girl was, and the man holding her thanked me and said they had waited a long time to have her. At first I assumed that he was her father, but as he discussed this child's trip to the US, I realized quickly that he was her grandfather.
"It's her first trip to Krispy Kreme!!" he beamed. Then he told me her name was Ellie. Ellie was busy playing peek-a-boo, her dark hair bouncing as she blinked her big brown eyes at us. Her grandmother began to share her parents' (who happened to be on their first date night since getting Ellie from China in October:) story of bringing Ellie to the US and their joys and struggles during the past few months as she adjusted to the culture. (She will be two soon.) I told them that she was a beautiful child (as ALL asian children are, right Carol??!). They left right before we did, and when we walked outside, the grandparents were trying to get Miss Ellie in the tricky car seat, and they happened to be parked next to us. I took the opportunity to communicate more with this sweet family, and said that I could tell she was a blessing to them.

Her grandmother looked up at me and smiled. She said, "You're right. We waited a long time for this little stinker." Her eyes got misty as she continued. "You know, her parents lost four babies. They lost one at seventeen months, one due to stillbirth, and two to miscarriage. We know that Ellie came from God, and they had to wait two and a half years to get her. But He knows what He's doing, and this was the best Christmas ever. We have so much to be thankful for."

It was in that moment, looking at that sweet, proud grandmother, that my heart connected with hers. My heart rejoiced with hers through the Kingdom of God. This was a moment for worship, because God had answered this sister's cry. This is what it means to weep with those who weep, and rejoice with those who rejoice. I was excited for these sweet members of the Body of Christ and this beautiful little girl, and I saw Him, there in the sweet icing smile of Ellie as she looked at her doting grandparents and I was reminded of two things.

God is faithful.


We are all in this together.

[Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.] galatians 6:2

Praise God for a new grandma and a reminder of His lovingkindness.


Carol said...

Ok, since they're apparently so attached to her I'll forgive you for not taking her home as a Krispy Kreme souvineer! :)

Love your blog...and you, too!

God Bless,

Unknown said...
