Monday, September 28, 2009

And We're Back...

...after a weeklong blogger's block and bad time managment, I am now taking questions. I'm sorry for my lack of blog interaction this week. I have neglected you in order to plan this wedding in 152 days (but who's counting, right)! I have a book to tell you about later this week and I am trying to do better!

Here's a little That Girl action to tide you over...

Yesterday I was taking Communion at a church service and we were communing by the intinction method. That's where you take a piece of bread, dip it in the juice, and then eat it. So I got my piece of bread, went to dip it in the juice cup....

and I dropped it. Right in the cup.

I blame it on my acrylic fingernails. I am not used to not having nails and they got in the way. Good thing my friend was administering communion! I quickly, at her urging, tore off another piece of bread and dipped it. As we were walking away, my friend said, "Well now you have your That Girl's Communion Experience story!"

It really did make me think about some things involving the Lord's Supper. I was reminded that the table of the Lord is the only level playing field in this life, and that I serve a God who not only serves screwups and eats with sinners. He has never had a "no shoes, no shirt, no bad attitude, no service" policy at His table and I am so thankful. Aren't you?

My friend Darrell preached a killer message about philoxenia, which in the Greek means "love of stranger." He talked about how easy it was to love those we know, but how hard it is to welcome those we don't know. He told a story to prove his main point: "If she ain't welcome, ain't nobody welcome."

I thought about that as I stood to praise God after being welcomed at the Table even with all my failures, shortcomings, and quirks.

And if That Girl ain't welcome, ain't nobody welcome.

Thank you Jesus.


Sheryl said...

haha.. loved this! warmed my heart..