Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Pursuit.

I made a silent vow the other day to finish my thoughts on this post due to Kaitlyn's encouragement....(addy says HI!)

The assumption I will make in this post is that we are all agreed that God has been pursuing us since the Garden. If you have questions about that or generally don't believe me on that, email me and we'll discuss it.

So He has been chasing me down since before I was born. He's not shy about admitting it either. He's open in His Word about the challenges that His heart has in the pursuit of humanity, and it must wound Him terribly when we do not respond to that.

The appropriate response to the pursuit of someone is to reciprocate the interest. The word teaches us that we do that in a two-fold way:
1. Pursuing Him.
2. Pursuing His people.

He never quits chasing us down, whether we bother to notice or not. However, I have to believe that we lose the desire to pursue our earthly relationships and community when we don't pursue the Lord. I had a conversation with two close friends and accountability partners last night. We discussed how we had all been struggling with decisions to be made/spiritual slump/etc and the last thing we wanted to do was to gather together. Why?

No pursuit of the Lord = no pursuit of His people....

Without the incentive of a vibrant relationship with Jesus, you have no reason to love me. RIGHT? So when that top shelf relationship struggles, does it not trickle down?

Plus, when we do not seek grace out, we don't have it to give and it makes loving people practically impossible.

For example, for the married women reading the blog:

do you find yourself growing frustrated in your marriage when you aren't pursuing the Heart of God?

Or for parents:

Do you have less patience with your kid when you haven't been in God's Word?

People, this is not coincidental. That's why it's key that we become intentional in our relationship with the Lord, and what trickle down are grace and patience.

What's the point of pursuing the heart of another if you don't do it to the best of your ability?

Be intentional today with the Lord and those He has given you...Then leave a comment on how it goes!!!

That Girl.