Wednesday, June 13, 2012

5 Questions To Ask.

I am excited to be a contributor to a new blog called "Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman" and the target audience is specifically young women who want to grow in their relationships with God and live for Jesus.  The first topic I wrote about was dating, because it seems that they all pay a bit more attention when the subject comes up (Grin).  Please share this post with any young women that you know who may be influenced or encouraged by it!

I meet many girls whose standards are far too low when it comes to opposite sex relationships. God's Word instructs in Proverbs 4:23 that we are to guard our hearts, because it is the wellspring of LIFE. I see too many girls taking risks with their time, money, energy, and lives on boys who don't share their faith, ambition, or love for Jesus. 
Has no one told you that God has more for you than mediocre relationships? If not, let me be the first.
I've prepared a few questions for you to ask in regard to young men with whom you spend time. I wish someone would have told me this in high would have spared me much heartache!!

To read the rest, click HERE.