Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In Case You Were Wondering, I Didn't Fall off the Earth.


Jasmine @ Eat Move Write said...

I just so happened to click on your blog, and ironically your internet thing was very applicable to my life this past week. Our entire area lost internet for like 2 whole days. I thought I'd lose my mind. Btw, I'm originally from Southern Indiana. Bloomfield.

Leah Robinson said...

Thanks for the comment Lauren! That's one thing I LOVED about your momma....she would just STOP anything she was doing to pray with me! I felt so special :)

Kathryn @ Expectant Hearts said...

Lauren,I can't remember if I told you this already or not.. but I assumed, since you JUST shared that you don't blog on weekends, that w/Monday being a holiday we wouldn't hear from you until Tuesday anyway..

Next time, I can worry you've dropped off the face of the earth if that would be better?

Keyly Watts said...

Someone call the authorities at OCU . . . . if the net is still down, someone please drive down there and kidnap Lauren so she can get back to this blog. I need to know what's going on with my party people!!!! I miss you, miss you, miss you (echoing into the emptiness of this computer)