Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Overheard: Oh you are so going to love this one!

(One of our Resident Directors, David received a photo in the mail for financially supporting a ministry. What happened to little bronze statues of eagles and such? Whatever. Anyway, he gave that photo to Candace, the Administrative Assistant here in Campus Life.)

Laur: "What's that picture on your desk?"
(I almost said that I didn't know any of her family were men of the cloth...)

Candace: "That's Sir Fredd. He helps me remember to pray!"

Sir Fredd and yours truly. I don't know anything about him. I tried to google and got nothing. But my favorite part is that this photo in particular helps Candace live a life of piety. We wheeze-laughed over the idea a minute ago. IT'S WORKING THOUGH--Don't knock it 'til you try it.

Whatever it takes...

It's just like Hammer said (please Hammer don't hurt 'em):

"Ya gots to pray just to make it today."