Friday, March 6, 2009

Mt. Lebanon Ladies Day

Starts at 10AM fast time TOMORROW...

RSVP by e-mailing my friend Sherri at

Mt. Lebanon United Methodist Church is located on State Rd. 56 just outside of French Lick. It is the little white church across from the Donald Ross Golf Course.

God is going to move, and you don't want to miss it! I would appreciate your prayers as I discern what God wants to say to these women tomorrow.

are you going?


Leslie said...

I'll be there!!

believingod said...

Lauren, Thanks so much for the Word you gave us today! I do not struggle with depression, but when I got home today my friends status on facebook was" Feeling depressed no matter what I do" I jumped in and began telling her all about the LIGHT and what you taught us today. We had an uplifting conversation and God is working on her thanks to YOU!!!! I will be at the emmaus walk #38, I can not wait for that weekend! I am not giving you my blog because it is so bad compared to this! I am needing some bloggin training for sure! Thanks again!